Testing For Aluminum

ABOVE: Supplies you'll need from the kit

First you must create a general soil extraction. To do this...

  1. Fill a tube 14 mL with a solution that contains 3% acetic acid, CAS# 64-19-7; 10% sodium acetate, CAS# 6131-90-4; de-ionized water to 100%, CAS# 7732-18-5.
  2. Use a one gram plastic soil measure to add two level measures of the soil sample. Cap and shake for one minute.
  3. Use a piece of qualitative piece of filter paper and a plastic funnel to filter the soil suspension into a second 14 m L tube. (fold the qualitative filter paper in half and then in half again to form a cone which is fitted into the funnel.) The filtrate in the second extraction tube is the general soil extraction.

ABOVE: Testing solution and key for Aluminum tests.

Test for Aluminum by...

  1. With your general soil extraction, use a 1.0 ml transfer pipette to transfer two drops of the general soil extract to one of the larger depressions on a spot plate.
  2. Add two drops of a solution that contains that contains 3% acetic acid, CAS# 64-19-7; 10% sodium acetate, CAS# 6131-90-4; de-ionized water to 100%, CAS# 7732-18-5.
  3. Add one drop of a solution that contains, 99% isopropanol, CAS # 67-63-0; 0.1 % hematein, CAS # 275-25-2.
  4. Stir with a clean stirring rod. Allow it to stand for one minute.
  5. Match the resulting color with the Active Aluminum Color Chart. The test result is expressed in relative values of active aluminum from very low to high. Form approximate corresponding values in parts per million or pounds per acre.