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* Convert the reading for Fe into parts per million (ppm) using the guidebook provided in the testing kit.

* Safety goggles and gloves are necessary to prevent dangerous chemicals from harming your eyes or hands

* Do the soil extraction test and serial dilution at the same time so you get accurate results

* In order to avoid contamination, make sure the soil core is cleaned out in between each sample

* Make sure to label all bags according to their respected areas

*if you use the same pipette that you use for the dilution for the water you will contaminate your results

* Make sure only the micropipette goes into the serial dilution (for the actual appliance avoid contact with water)

*Do not touch the micropipette to anything! Do not allow the tip to touch the mold paper

*Do not reuse the micropipette

* Be sure to wear the correct size gloves or you will be frustrated easily

*The Lamotte Kit is recommended, it is a useful resource because of the various chemicals it contains

*always wear goggles and gloves when Lamotte Kit is opened

*once more than one square screen is needed, overlap and cut holes in the corners of the square screens

* for mold sheets, we recommend the 3M Petrifilmâ„¢ Yeast and Mold Count plates.