{Protozoa Extraction {



1. Place 15cm sample of soil sample into the bottom of a clean, empty petri dish; and allow to dry completely.


2.Sift 9-10g of soil into a 2nd clean petri dish using a 1mm- squared  nylon screen or mesh.



3.Add 20ml of distilled water to saturate the soil.

    4. Cover the petri dish with its lid and allow to sit for 7 hours.  
    5. Place the soil sample in a modified Uhlig extractor containing 30ml of distilled water for 24 hours  
6.Remove the filtrate and filter and 2nd time using 12.5cm qualitative filter paper.  
7.Using a capillary tube, deposit 7µl of methyl-green stain on a clean microscope slide (1µl = 1 drop from the capillary tube). Then using a disposable graduated Beral-type pipette, add 18µl (the first demarcation on the pipette) of the second  filtrate from step 6 to the stain on the microscope slide and cover with an 18 x 18mm-squared  cover slip.  

 8.Examine under a light microscope at 40X.