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Plot 3: 16 holes are spaced every 20 cm with a soil auger that has a diameter of 2.5cm. (volume of air- 4712 cm3)






















Plot 4: 25 holes are spaced 16.66 cm with a soil auger that has a diameter of 2.5cm. (volume of air- 7363 cm3)




























Plot 5: 36 holes are spaced 14.3 cm with a soil auger that has a diameter of 2.5 cm. (volume of air- 10,603 cm3)





































Although we made our holes with a soil auger (2.5 cm diameter and 15cm deep), feel free to use dowels, a spatula, or anything that can make a hole in the soil, but be sure the volume of air in the plot matches the parameters.  If soil augers are available, however, they should be used, as they will bring about the best results.