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Soil Extracting Procedures:

1. Put 7ml of the Universal Extracting Solution into a test tube.

                     extracting solution tubes

2. Put one cap full of soil into the test tube along with the Universal Extracting Solution.

3. Shake test tube for one minute.

                     soil w extract

4. Get out another test tube, and place a funnel on top of the new test tube.

5. Get a piece of filter paper and fold it in half twice. Insert your thumb and press to create a funnel shape. Put it inside the funnel.

6. Pour the mixed and shaken soil with Universal Extracting Solution test tube into the second test tube that contains the funnel.

                      extracting soil

7. Wait for all of the liquid material contained in the funnel to filter into the test tube. This will give you the extracted soil for that soil sample.

                      extracting soil

8. Repeat this process for each of the soil samples collected.