
HOME       Phosphorus is a substance vital to plant and algae life. It acts as a building block for plants; it helps the plant form RNA, DNA, and ATP. Levels of phosphorus can affect the levels of algae; low levels of phosphorus can cause low levels of algae, while high levels of phosphorus can lead to destructive algal blooms. Phosphorus' effect on algae and plant life can affect animal populations.
BIBLIOGRAPHY       In the natural world, phosphorus originates in rocks. When weathering occurs, phosphorus is released into the environment. Water carries the phosphorus downstream to where it is deposited into the soil. This process is known as leaching and is a major part of the phosphorus cycle. Exposed bedrock in a stream can lead to the leaching of phosphorus from the rocks. This phosphorus then travels downstream and deposits itself in the sediment of streams or in the soil to be used by plants.
        Over the past 10 years, the phosphorus levels in Site 4 of E.S.S.R.E have been steadily increasing (E.S.S.R.E, 2001-2011). Site 3, uphill and upstream of Site 4, has an exposed bedrock stream that eventually levels out in Site 4. Given that the stream is flowing over bedrock, there is the possibility of phosphorus being leached out of the rocks and running downstream. We hypothesized that the phosphorus increase in Site 4 was due to the leaching of the phosphorus from the bedrock in Site 3.