Here is an example of our chart. This chart shows the day of our experiment the sample was taken, the density of plants area the sample was taken from,and the potassium level in parts per million.
Potassium Level (PPM)
Highest Density of Vegetation Medium Density  of Vegetation Medium Less Density of Vegtation Lowest Density of Vegetation Negative Control
Day 1  0 0 0 65 0
Day 2  55 0 90 0 0
Day 3  100 90 90 80 75.2
Day 4  100 100 110 110 110
Day 5  90 90 110 90 120

This graph depicts the potassium levels in a more visual manner,but contains the same data as the chart above. While the graph above shows all the data, you should also make sure to make a graph of all the averages, as shown below.


  While the graph above shows all the data, you should also make sure to make a graph of all the averages, as shown below.


This is an example of our central tendency chart. After you have collected all of your data, in order to analyze, you should find the central tendencies, as shown below.  

Central Tendencies
ӯ 66.9
mode 0
median 90
s 44
s2 1936
max 120
min 0
range 120
n 25


This chart shows the T-testing we performed among all the different densities.


Densities P Value
Highest+Medium 0.68
Highest+Medium Less 0.71
Highest+Least 1
Highest+Negative 0.8
Medium+Medium Less 0.46
Medium+Least 0.68
Meduim+ Negative 0.9
Medium Less+Least 0.7
Meduium Less+Negative 0.57
Least+Negative 0.8


Fathom graphs are a great way to view patterns in data, and see if your hypothesis was correct.