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Troubleshooting : 






Issues arise and that is okay. Here are some problems that may arise and their solutions

Problem 1: Not measuring  soil for the soil core correctly

Soultion 1: Measure and mark 15cm soil core extractor. When getting soil onlt fill the marked line at 15cm.


Problem 2: Failing to level off soil in the garden trowel correctly

Solution 2: You can level off soil by taking your hands and sliding the top of the soil off the trowl.This makes an even layer across the top of the soil.

Problem 3: Sites where soil was extracted can be misplaced

Solution 3: You can record where you extracted your soil with a notebook and a pen or pencil. Or you can label flags or sticks with markers and plant it into the ground.

 Problem 4: Incorrect soil in jar

Solution 4: You can label jars with a marker and insert soil from the bag you labeled it with. You MUST have separate jars for all seperate bags of soil. You can only have one jar if you only extacted one sample of soil.

Problem 5: Forgetting to bring bags outside

Solution 5: You can bring extra bags and markers just in case you forgot some inside. If you didn't bring extra bags outside with you the only way to fix this problem is by going back inside and aquiring a new bag.

Problem 6: Getting your foot stuck in the mud

Solution 6: Pull your foot out.  Bring extra shoes in case the mud claims your shoe as it's own.

Problem 7: Chemical testing safety procedures

Solution 7: Gloves , goggles and close toed shoes are a must. If you spill a chemical on your skin , wash for 15 minutes in running water. If you spill a chemical on your clothing, remove the clothing and wash immediately.

Problem 8: Soil collection problems

Solution 8: If you accidentally mix up your quadrant bags with the wrong soil in the wrong bag , make sure you use a marker to write the correct site and quadrant with the corresponding soil on the bag. If you get confused, make sure you get new samples in order to be on the safe side.