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1. Before beginning the experiment make a list of the variables that can be controlled during the experiment.


2. Remember to label where your soil core extractions are taken from on a map or diagram. It helps to draw a site map with your corners and side midpoints marked. When the samples are taken mark on the map with a symbol unique to each day to keep track of the samples so as to avoid taking a sample from the same spot. Also, when labeling your map, add the letter (A, B, C, etc.) that corresponds to the labeled soil baggie to better keep track of the samples.


3. During the pure soil extraction procedure, when filtering the pure soil extract, hold the filter paper to the bottom of the funnel for more efficient filtering. Also, try not to get soil on the outside of the funnel for risk of contamination.     



4. When doing serial dilutions remember to change your pipette between each soil sample to minimize possible contamination.  



5. During chemical testing remember to clean and dry your stirrer and pipette in water after each use.



6. Make sure to deposit your micro-pipette tips into a 10% bleach solution after each use.


7. Label all of your tubes with the correct sample, quadrant number and the date it was extracted to keep from getting mixed up.


8. Add dates to your nutrient agar plates corresponding to the date the sample was plated.


9. When counting bacteria and mold/yeast growth on your agar plates wear gloves and, when you're finished counting, deposit the plates in a bleach or autoclave solution.



10. When working outside bring bug spray! The mosquitos can be frustrating, but long sleeves and long pants will help. Also, wear boots so you don't get your feet wet or your favorite shoes ruined. Tuck your shirt into your pants to keep out bugs and scratchy plants. If you're dealing with slippery hills a walking stick is essential, and also shoes with treads. Lastly, don't wear clothes you mind getting dirty, because they will probably get a little bit soil-covered.



11. When dealing with chemicals, bacteria, mold or other harmful/dangerous substances always wear gloves, goggles, and clean your work surface with alcohol after work is finished. Make sure your entire group is wearing gloves and goggles when the chemical test kit is opened, and keep them on until it is closed. If you brush yourself with your glove and you were handling a chemical, tell an adult or other responsible person and flush the area with water. For further information on what to do if you come into contact with a chemical, follow the instructions on the chemical bottle or call Poison Control. If there are any spills or broken glassware be sure to report them to an adult.



juliiiiiiiiiiiiiii 12. We suggest using the LaMotte Model STH-14 Test Kit f0r your chemical tests. Click here for a link to this product.

jsjsjsjsjsjsjs 13. We also suggest using 3M Petrifilm™ Yeast and Mold Count for your mold nutrient agar sheets and 3M Petrifilm™ Aerobic Count Plates for your bacteria nutrient agar sheets. Click here and here for a link to these products. kkk