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                  Will a decrease in annual rainfall prevent the flow of phosphorus from affectively passing through a site with various levels of decomposition?

                            The decrease in annual rainfall causes the phosphate to build up at its base.
1. Identify a location where you either know there is high decomposition or suspect there is high decomposition
2. Pick and mark plots 5 meters apart moving away from the area of high decomposition moving towards an area of low decomposition. Mark each plot with a flag labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
3. Record observations of weather in the past 24 hours in respective area
4. Complete steps 5-8 in the same hour on the same day. 
5. Using a soil core extractor, extract 3 samples 15 cm deep with a diameter of 2 cm from plot, 1 in the same elevation 10 cm away from each other
6. Put each extracted soil sample in plastic bags labeled 1A, 1B, 1C and also label the date
7. Make sure to rinse soil core extractor between extractions to prevent contamination
8. Repeat steps 5-8 for plots 2-5
9. Bring soil to lab station and prepare for the lab by putting on safety goggles and gloves: make sure hair is tied up and wear closed toed shoes

lab                lab2                                
10. Using a chemical test kit and Figure 1, complete Phosphorus and Humus Test
11. Use Figure 1 to convert Phosphorus data into unit PPM
12. Record data in a data table
13. Complete steps 4-12 on different days
Figure 1: