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                                                                                             PHOSPHATES R US


1.      Label 15 flags for sets 1-5 and samples a-c.   












2.  Find a point perpendicular to the stream.  Place a flag labeled 1B into the soil, this point is considered the mid-point.

3.  Starting at flag 1B, walk 2 meters to the right and place a flag next to the stream labeled 1A.

4.  Starting at flag 1B, walk 2 meters to the left and place a flag nect to the stream labeled 1C.

5.  Starting at flag 1A walk 8 meters perpendicualr away from the stream, placing a flag every 2 meters  labeled 2A, 3A, 4A, and 5A, respectively.

6.  Repeat step 5 starting at flag 1B and labeling the flags 2B, 3B, 4B, and 5B, respectively. 

7.  Repeat step 5 starting at flag 1C and labeling the flags 2C, 3C, 4C, and 5C, respectively. 

8. Take 15 bags.  Label 5 bags: site 4, trial 1, set 1, sample a-c








9.  Label 5 more bags: site 4, trial 1, set 2, sample a-c



10. Label the last 5 bags: site 4, trial 1, set 3, sample a-c







11. On the same day at the same time, take one soil sample at each flag using a hammer to insert a metal soil auger, which has a diameter of 2 centimeters, 20 centimeters deep into the soil.  Rotate the metal soil auger 360 degrees clockwise and pull upwards to extract the soil.

12. Place each soil sample into its correspondingly labeled bags.

13.  Test the water next to flag 1A for phosphorus; we used a water testing kit to test for phosphorus in water. Open link to see which test we used.

14. Record the data in the data table.

15. Repeat steps 13 next to flag 1B.

16. Repeat steps 13 next to flag 1C.

17. Take all soil samples back into the lab on the same day.

18. Test all soil samples for phosphate levels "ppm" on the same day at the same time. See link to see which test we used. 

19. Record the data in the data table.

20. Complete all the moisture in the soil tests on each of the soil samples on the same day at the same time as one another; we used the gravimetric test not the hand feel method. Both of these methods can be found on the following website. 

21. Record data in a data table.

22. Repeate all steps on two separate days.