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Untitled 1


  • 18 plastic bags
  • 1 permanent marker 
  • epsom salt
  • 1 pair of goggles
  • 36 sheets of filter paper
  • 1 soil core extractor
  • 1 field notebook
  • 1 micropipette
  • 1 balance
  • graduated cylinder
  • 6 1000 mL Bottles
  • rubbing alcohol
  • Chemical test kit for soil
  • 1 hammer
  • Pen/pencil


1.    Label plastic bags using a permanent marker corresponding to the trial number (1, 2, or 3), type of plot (negative control [n.c.] or sulfate solution [s]), sample (a, b, or c), and time (“Before” solutions were added to soil or “After” solutions were added to soil).


Picture No. 1


2.    To create a saturated sulfate solution measure 11.6 grams of magnesium sulfate, also known as Epsom salt, using a balance. Then measure out 1000 mL of tap water using a graduated cylinder.

3.     Mix magnesium sulfate and water together in a 1000 mL bottle until magnesium sulfate is fully dissolved. Label bottle “Sulfate” to distinguish from bottles of water.


4.     Repeat steps 2 and 3 two more times. A total of 3 bottles of Sulfate solution should exist.  



5.    Gather materials before heading to a site (a possible site could include a lightly forested area with minimal foot traffic); 18 labeled plastic bags, 18 flags (9 white and 9 yellow), a permanant marker, hammer(s) soil core extractors, 3 1000 mL bottles of water, 3 1000 mL bottles of Sulfate Solution, a field notebook, and a pencil.


6.      Create 6 plots 30 cm by 30 cm, each plot being 20 cm apart marking the corners of each plot with flags. Each row of plots is a different trial; row 1 is trial 1, row 2 is trial 2, and row 3 is trial 3. The first column of plots are for the negative control where water is added, and the second column of plots are for the magnesium sulfate solution is added.


Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 11.16.24 AM.png



7.      Insert a soil core extractor into the soil in the appropriate plot (using a hammer when necessary) to collect a sample of soil with a depth of 15 cm and diameter of 2.5 cm.


8.    Twist the soil core extractor clockwise to remove extractor with soil from the ground.


9.    Place soil sample into a corresponding bag.

10.    Repeat steps 4-6 until all 18 soil samples are collected, three from each of the 6 plots. All “before” soil samples must be collected at the same time of day.


11.    Record approximate locations from where soil core samples are taken in a site map.    


12.    After samples are collected add 1000 mL of tap water from Nalgene bottle and 1000 mL of sulfate solution from Nalgene bottle into each respective plot. Pour slowly to make sure that the 1000 mL stays in its corresponding plot. Evenly pour liquid over the entire plot.


13.    The same day that the soil samples are extracted, perform serial dilutions and general soil extractions using a chemical test kit on all samples from Trial 1 “Before”. Serial dilutions and general soil extractions from a certain trial must be completed at the same time. Label extraction tubes and test tubes with the corresponding sample. Let the yeasts and molds grow for 24 hours on a fungal nutrient agar plate.








14.  Perform sulfate chemical test using a chemical test kit on all samples from Trial 1 “Before”. Observe and record data in data table.


15.  24 hours later, perform serial dilutions and general soil extractions using a chemical test kit on all samples from Trial 2 “Before”. Serial dilutions and general soil extractions from a certain trial must be completed at the same time.


16.  Perform sulfate chemical test using a chemical test kit on all samples from Trial 2 “Before". Observe and record data in data table.


17.  48 hours after sulfate solution has been applied onto soil, collect 3 soil core samples from each plot using a soil core extractor. Follow steps 4-6 to properly extract the soil. These samples should have bags labeled “After”. See Picture No. 1 listed under step 1 of procedures.


18.  At least 24 hours after testing Trial 2 “Before” samples, perform serial dilutions and general soil extractions using a chemical test kit on all samples from Trial 3 “Before”. Observe and record data in data table.

Serial dilutions and general soil extractions from a certain trial must be completed at the same time.


19. After yeast and mold plates sit for at least 48 hours, count yeast and mold for respective samples using a magnifying glass. Start with the lowest dilution to look for yeast or mold and if you find some, count and record dilution #. If you don't find any yeast or mold, move up to the next dilution level. Once at least one yeast and one mold is found, continue to the next sample. Calculate the number of microbes in 1 cc of soil using the equation: # Microbes in 1 cc of soil = # Colonies on sheet * 102 * 10|dilution # at which these colonies were found|

Click link to see how to create a data table for these calculations.


20.  Repeat steps 13-16 for soil core “After” samples following same time restraints as the “Before” samples.