
                    After collecting the data, we transformed our findings into charts. Using these, we compared the amounts of iron, aluminum, and mold between the sampling sites. Expecting to see an inverse relationship between the density of mold and the amount of iron and aluminum, we found, through T-testing, that there was a relevant relationship between 21 of our 36 samples. After further graphing our data, we  found that it further supported our hypothesis, except for two deviant outliers. These outliers may possibly be  caused by an environmental factor that would not show up in our methods of testing, such as rainfall. Possible further research may be conducted to investigate this anomaly.



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This site was created by
Erin Cheek, Lauren Malishchak, Katrina Szabo, and Sophia Uddin as part of the E.S.S.R.E. Program at Roland Park Country School, 2005.