
We would like to take this space to thank the many people that helped us to accomplish the end results of our experiment:

We extend our deepest thanks to the Waksman Foundation for Microbiology for sponsoring the E.S.S.R.E. 2005 program. Without their support, the program would not have been able to continue. We would like to thank Mr. Brock for his guidance throughout the three week program and for being so patient while all of us were learning how to handle equipment, perform experiments, use complicated statistics, design web pages, write our research papers, and more. Without his help, we wouldn’t have been able to learn how to understand or interpret our data and experiments. Additional thanks to Kalyani Ravi and Leah Miller, our “teacher’s assistants”, for all their help and input in the past three weeks. We really appreciate it. Finally, we would  like to thank our parents, the Uddins, Szabos, Cheeks, and Malishchaks, for driving us back and forth from Roland Park Country School every weekday for three weeks. We really appreciate the time they took out of their schedules in order to get us here and back home.





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This site was created by
Erin Cheek, Lauren Malishchak, Katrina Szabo, and Sophia Uddin as part of the E.S.S.R.E. Program at Roland Park Country School, 2005.