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1.     Determine 5 outdoor sites (each 20 cm in diameter) with different amounts of sunlight exposure (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and 0%). Use a densitometer to determine the amount of sunlight exposure in each site. Also, make sure that each site contains the same species of plants as the other sites and the same plant density (e.g a meadow)


The densiometer we used:




2.      Label the 5 locations accordingly. For example using flags where each flag's label corresponds to the amount of sun exposure in its individual site. Then place flag in the direct center of its corresponding site.



3.      In each location on the same day at the same time, uproot one entire plant sample (see figure 2). Place each collected plant sample in an appropriately labeled bag, making sure that the label includes the amount of sun exposure in that particular site and the day the sample was collected. Make sure that you are uprooting the same kind of plant from each location. (See Trouble Shooting 1)




Figure 1                                                                                                                             Figure 2





4.      Immediately after uprooting the plant and placing it in the bag, extract a sample of soil, 15 centimeters deep and 2 centimeters in diameter, from each site at the point directly underneath the previously uprooted plant. (See Trouble Shooting 2).

      Steps to our extraction:


a.         We hammered the soil extractor 15 centimeters into the correct area of soil




b.          We then twisted the soil extractor clockwise and pulled it out of the ground.





C.                   We then put the extracted soil into the appropretely labeled bag.

5.      On the same day as the plant and soil samples were collected from each site (to avoid plant decay), test for the amount of both iron (ppm) and manganese (ppm) in each of the plant and soil samples. (See Trouble Shooting 3)



  Steps we took to test for iron and manganese:



a.             Put on gloves and goggles for safety!






b.                   Extract both the soil and plant samples.



Cutting the leaf material to prepare it for the extraction.                                                   Cutting the leaf material to prepare it for the extraction.  







Putting the soil into tubes for extraction.                                                                                                           The extraction process  







Adding Universal Extracting solution to the cut up leaf material                                                 The filtering proccess of a soil extraction





c.             We then tested for both ferric iron and manganese.



Adding the soil extraction solution to a spot plate for ferric iron testing                                    Adding Manganese Buffer powder to the spot plates for the manganese tests




In the proccess of performing the ferric iron test                                                                                                      Looking at iron testing samples




 Comparing the color of the manganese solution in the spot plate to the color standard on the Manganese in Soil Color Chart




6.      Record your results.



7.      Repeat steps 3-6 once a day for several days. Make sure you collect your samples at roughly the same time everyday.



8.      Analyze all your data by comparing the amount of sun exposure to the iron and manganese levels that were found in the soil and plant samples.



9.      Compute four sets of T-tests (to find the p-values) for each of the four independent variables (Fe in the soil samples, Mn in the soil samples, Fe in the plant samples, and Mn in plant samples). In each set, determine the p-values between sun exposure combinations (0% and 25%, 25% and 50%, 50% and 75%, 75% and 100%, 0% and 50%, 0% and 75%, 0% and 100%). Then examine and determine what your p-values tell you.