
ABOVE: Po-Tash team member records some data. Yay Po-Tash!

Research Question: Is there a correlation between low earthworm levels with high aluminum levels vs. high earth worm levels and low aluminum levels?

Hypothesis: The lower the earthworm levels, the higher the aluminum levels will be, because there is nothing churning and mixing the soil.

Negative control: Site 2 Quadrate 2

Positive control: Site 2

Independent variable: Number of earthworms

Dependent variable: Aluminum levels


bullet Size of "digging plot"
bullet Depth of digging
bullet Number of digs per quadrant
bullet Technique for digging
bullet Amount of soil extracted
bullet Same procedure for chemical test is used at all times

ABOVE: Laying the half meter squares square


  1. Find three suitable locations with different environmental features.  
  2. Within the three locations you selected to test. Plot three additional areas with the same dimensions which you will perform the earthworm test. We used 1/2 by 1/2 meter squares.
  3. In your squares, use a trowel to dig equal volumes. As you dig count every earthworm within your plot. We multiplied this number by 4 to determine the number of earth worms per meter. Use the number of worms you found, and the dimensions of your plot to determine the number per meter. 
  4. Record the number of earthworms found in number of worms per meter squared of soil.
  5. Put the dirt you extracted from the earth back in its original state.

ABOVE: Digging a hole

  6.Take soil samples of equal volume from each of your plots. We used a soil core that was 14.5 cm tall, and 2 cm in diameter. Keep all of your samples separate and organized.

ABOVE: Team member takes a soil sample

    7. Next, test each sample for aluminum. We used    the LaMotte method. (click to see LaMotte Method)

ABOVE: Testing...

    8. Compare results.


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