E. S. S. R. E.   2 0 1 2


E.S.S.R.E. Homepage ~ Soil Ecology Experiments ~ Research Findings and Results ~ Annotated Soil Bibliography

Welcome! Thank you for visiting the 2012 E.S.S.R.E. webpage.  This summer, 14 young women from a wide variety of Baltimore area high schools were employed as interns to take an "environmental snapshot" of the Roland Park Country School backwoods.  These talented, driven, and spirited girls studied the backwoods and after a week and a half, devised their own projects to solve any anomalies. Interns were from a wide range of schools, including Friends School of Baltimore, Notre Dame Preparatory School, Roland Park Country School, St. Timothy's School and Western High School. Each phase of this year’s program can be found on their individual this page, as well as their lessons, research papers, and findings.

PHASE ONE: The interns survey their assigned quadrant through a variety of soil ecology tests. If you want to inquire further about how each group collected results, click to read our steps to a biota survey.

Mr. Brock's Group

Ella's Group

Hannah's Group

Maddie's Group

PHASE TWO: The interns split into new groups and devise a plan to investigate anomalies found in phase one and draft a research paper based on their findings. To view each group's website, click their name below. In order to view their published research papers, please click their group photo.

Chilopods, Chilopods, Where Art Thou Chilopods?

Team Fred

The Fun-Guys

Nitrogen Invaders

If you have further questions about E.S.S.R.E. please contact the founding Project Director,  at STEMteacherEmeritus.rpcs@gmail.com . Contact current project director, Cheryl Carmona, at carmonac@rpcs.org

Click the picture above to watch this year's movie (62MB)