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DL2 would like to thank all the following people and places for their help and support during our research project:

Mr. David Brock

Thanks so much for giving us such an awesome opportunity to work with such an intelligent man like yourself, and working in the backwoods overall, as we are limited during the school year. Your humor, friendliness, and willingness to help us are greatly appreciated. Thanks Dad!

Rebecca and Sophia

You girls truly helped us a lot, especially when Mr. Brock wasn’t around. Also thanks for going out into the backwoods with us!! Thanks so much! You girls are great.


Roland Park Country School

Thanks for providing us with the backwoods, or we wouldn’t have been able to compile our research information in order to complete our research project.


All of Our Sponsors:

        Busch Gardens

        Fuji Film

        Sea World


Last update: July 28th, 2006

Copyright 2006.